About Juli Cannon Science
Welcome! I'm Juli, a science teacher and coach, among other things! I am excited to share my curriculum and resources with you.
I believe that science content should be hands-on, engaging, applicable, and rigorous, which is why I love the Next Generation Science Standards. I know firsthand that educators work harder than almost any other profession, and teachers deserve access to high-quality resources, rather than spending countless extra hours creating them by themselves. My goal is to combine the exploration and rigor of the NGSS with concrete, easy-to-follow lesson plans that save teachers time.
Please explore my resources, sign up for my newsletter, and reach out to me at juli@julicannonscience.com if you have any questions!
Newest NGSS Blogs
Crosscutting concepts are often the neglected dimension of NGSS. Don't forget about them by making them visible and interactive in your classroom.
With the adoption of three-dimensional learning, science education is more complex than ever. Here are the April 2017 resources that have helped me navigate this new territory!
How does the rotation of the Earth cause changes in shadows throughout the day? Watch the video tutorial for NGSS 5-ESS1-2 for Shadow Length and Direction.
What Does a Plant Need to Grow? Watch the video tutorial to set up an experiment for the NGSS 5-LS1-1 Performance Expectation!
Teaching a hands-on science class is a minor miracle in motion. How is it possible to guide thirty squirming twelve year olds to put on safety equipment, pick up lab materials, and safely complete step-by-step directions at 6 different tables, while cleaning up messes, and then analyzing their results, all in one class period? I am tired just typing that. I know what you’re thinking: the science teacher is superhuman. But this type of class is completely possible when we frontload the work necessary to implement student-led labs.